First, I drew out the design on card stock. Standard wainscoting is 3 foot tall so in 1:12 scale that's 3".
Then I cut the mat board to size and glued it onto the card stock with wood glue. Then filled in any gaps with a light spackling paste.
For the base molding, I used fine sand paper...
Friday, January 22, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
Finished dollhouse stairs
I made the railing with paper clay. First I made a long tube of clay and placed it on the spindles, pressed it in, and shaped it. Once it dried I sanded it with sandpaper and carved at it with a knife, glued it onto the spindles, and because this clay shrinks I added more to the...
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Dollhouse stairs
I loath making dollhouse stairs. I actually promised myself after the last build that I would never do it again, but I got suckered into it once again!
I had a stair kit in my stash so I cut off the top step and then shaped the base to look like I wanted.
The step tops were separate...
Friday, January 1, 2016
Dollhouse molding
Once the wallpaper was put up the molding was created using mat board.
I had a large stack of matted frames with beveled edges and decided to get some use out of them!
I used the rest of the board to make the straight pieces.
Asleep on the job again!
Building a dollhouse using foam board

I am pulling inspiration from these three houses.
After much thinking and planning I decided to use a tab and slot technique to assemble the house. This would make it nice and sturdy. Foam board is a dream to cut with an EXACTO knife.
I would highly recommend buying a knife with a soft body and...